16/05/2013 KABINET MÚZ (BRNO)
přidal kabinetmuz
Kabinet MÚZ ^ Bumbum Satori uvádí:
Piotr is a Warsaw-based musician, also known under Piętnastka moniker. Since 2006 he has collaborated with a long list of contemporary dance and theatre companies, music labels, and artists. Piotr Kurek has participated in numerous music and theatre festivals, including: Transmediale, Unsound, Elevate, UH Fest, Baltic Festival and many others. He creates fantastic and mysterious songs filled with beautiful, fairy vintage synth melodies and sometimes bizarre vocals. His music is often harmonic, rhytmical and loud. For fans of Loch Ness, crystal skull and other legends. He's also a part of projects like Slepcy or Suaves Figures.
via jlbjlt.net - nejbližší akce http://jlbjlt.net/event/10625
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